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Earned income

Mexico: 1960, 1990, 2000
United States: 1990

Mexico 1960: All persons.
Mexico 1990: Persons age 12+ with a job.
Mexico 2000: Persons age 12+ who worked during the reference week.
United States 1990: All persons.

INCEARN reports the person's total income from their labor (from wages, a business, or a farm) in the previous calendar year (U.S.) or month (Mexico).

Comparability - General
Amounts are expressed as they were reported at the time of the census in the currency of the respective country (dollars for the United States, pesos for Mexico). Figures are not adjusted for inflation or devaluation.

Comparability - Mexico
Mexico underwent major devaluations of the currency in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. A "new" peso equivalent to one thousand old pesos was introduced in 1993. Users must account for these changes when making comparisons over time.

Data on income in the 1970 and 1980 Mexican censuses in the variable INCTOT are not comparable to data in the INCEARN variable, since the former includes money from additional sources such as government pensions. Users must therefore exercise extreme caution is using the IPUMS-International data to make generalizations about the income distribution in Mexico over the total period from 1960 to 2000.