Conquest of Peru, 1522-1549. As told by Don Guaman Poma de Ayala, First New Chronicle and Good Government (1612) (October 14, 1997)


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Conquest of Peru, 1522-1549. As told by Don Guaman Poma de Ayala, First New Chronicle and Good Government (1612) (October 14, 1997)

The Conquest of Peru, 1522-1549: Outline

The death of the Inca Huana Capac (1525?) led to civil war between his sons (half-brothers): Huáscar (Cuzco) and Atahualpa (Quito)

The Inca empire in 1531

Spanish exploration and conquest, 1492-1536

Ocean currents and maritime routes. Pizarro’s 1st and 2nd voyages

Three difficult voyages of reconnaissance by Pizarro and others (1522, 1524, 1526) preceded the voyage of conquest (1531)

Conquistador: Francisco Pizarro (ca. 1478-1541)

Francisco Pizarro recruited men in Castille, 1529-30--and gained the title “governor of Peru” Diego de Almagro stayed in Panama and got “governor of New Toledo”!

In Peru, tensions grew between Pizarro (backed by his brothers and kinsmen), who raced ahead, and Diego de Almagro, who was in charge of supplies.

In Peru, tensions grew between Pizarro (backed by his brothers and kinsmen), who raced ahead, and Diego de Almagro, who was in charge of supplies.

In Cajamarca, Atahualpa agreed to receive the Christians, who tarried only one day before sacking the city and seizing the Inca: Nov. 16, 1532

“Capture the leader”: Atahualpa was imprisoned and agreed to fill one large room with gold and two with silver--for his freedom.

After Atahualpa handed over 6 tons of gold and 13 tons of silver, the Christians executed the new convert (July 1533)

Within a year Cuzco was taken. Native lords were locked in a building and ordered to deliver gold and silver. When they did not, the Pizarros burned them alive

Manco Inca organized a rebellion with hundreds of thousands of followers and besieged Cuzco (1536)

When the Christians were in greatest need, the Virgin Mary interceded and threw dust in the eyes of Manco Inca’s soldiers. “That is why they were defeated.”

Civil Wars, 1535-1548

Civil War: The Pizarros executed Diego de Almagro (1538). Then Almagristas killed Fco. (1541). Gonzalo Pizarro revolted, killing the viceroy (1546), and finally was executed himself in 1548.

Spanish society in Peru

Spanish Struggle for Justice: Bartolome de Las Casas



Author: Department of History


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